Check Vehicle Tires to Prevent Car Accident in Dallas

by admin on December 15, 2011

in Car Accidents

The U.S. Department of Transportation urges all motorists to take a look at their vehicle’s tires to make sure they’re properly inflated and not showing any severe signs of tread wear or damage.

The summer months provide plenty of heat and sunshine for family vacations, but they also provide an increased risk of a tire-related car accident in Dallas.

During the summer months, there is usually a drastic increase in travel across the United States. Our Texas personal injury attorneys ask that you check all aspects of your vehicle before heading out on any long summer trips. Keeping your vehicle in good working order can help to keep you, your family and other motorists safe on the road this summer.

“As the weather warms up, it’s especially important for drivers to ensure their tires are properly inflated,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said. “For your safety and the safety of others on the road, inspect your tires regularly and maintain the proper inflation.”

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that about 3,400 people were killed in these tire-related accidents from 2005 to 2009. Another 116,000 people were injured.

“While it’s true improperly maintained tires can contribute to a crash at any time of year, it is particularly critical for motorists to check tires during hot weather, when families and luggage often overload vehicles for long vacation trips,” NHTSA Administrator David Strickland warned. “Underinflated tires spinning on hot asphalt for extended periods of time can be a recipe for disaster.”

Keeping your tires properly inflated will not only help to keep you safe on our roadways this summer, but it can also help you keep a little extra money in your wallet. Riding with under-inflated tires can reduce the miles per gallon of your vehicle. If you have a vehicle that averages about 30 miles per gallon and your tires are under-inflated by just 1 PSI (pound per square inch), you could be losing out on nearly three miles per gallon. You might as well be throwing your hard earned-cash out the window.

There are a couple ways that you can check your tires. You are urged to check them regularly, but especially before you hit the road for a long summer vacation. You should check your tire sidewall to see if there’s any severe damage or wear. You can also check the owner’s manual of the vehicle or check with the tire manufacturer to see how often it is recommended that your change your tires.

This is just one of a few precautionary steps you can take to make sure that your vehicle is in good-working order. Remember to check your fluids before hitting the road, too. These preventative measures can make all the difference when it comes to staying safe on the road.

The Goolsby Law Firm is dedicated and motivated to fighting for victims and their families who have suffered in Dallas, Carrollton or the surrounding areas. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident with a distracted driver or any other car-related accident, call for a free consultation at 1-972-394-2141.
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