Most Wanted Drivers List Revealed to Halt Preventable Car Accidents in Dallas and Elsewhere

by admin on December 15, 2011

in Car Accidents, Drunk Driving Accidents, Teen Drivers

A “most wanted drivers” list has been released to target the most at-risk drivers on our roadways. The National Transportation Board (NTSB) created this list through data regarding the most common occurring car accidents in Dallas and elsewhere in the country. Drunk drivers, teen drivers and motorcyclists are some of the most vulnerable drivers on our roadways and through a number of new safety recommendations the NTSB is making an attempt at preserving the safety of these motorists.
Our Carrollton car accident attorneys understand that car accident fatalities affect motorists of all types, but there are a few groups of motorists that witness more fatalities than others. Through numerous safety recommendations, the NTSB targets these drivers to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving habits and ultimately to help save lives.

It’s not breaking news that driving while intoxicated is extremely dangerous. Drunk driving not only affects the intoxicated motorists, but other innocent drivers and passengers on the road as well. The NTSB reports that alcohol-impaired driving is a complicated and severe problem that requires a comprehensive solution. The Board suggests that states create and enforce proactive programs like sobriety checkpoints and administrative license revocation. They also urge states to limit plea bargaining and diversion programs. Driving drunk is a serious offense and needs to be treated with serious consequences to help reduce the risks for everyone.

The problem is so serious that it is estimated that someone dies in a traffic accident that involves an alcohol-impaired driver every 48 minutes. In 2009 alone, nearly 11,000 people died across the nation because of these accidents. Traffic deaths that involved an intoxicated driver account for more than a third of all traffic fatalities. This is a statistic that hasn’t changed in the last decade.

How can you help keep drunk drivers off our roadways?:

-If you see a drunk driver, you’re asked to get the make, model and color of the vehicle and call local authorities. Get the vehicle’s plate number if possible.

-You are asked to remain a safe distance from the suspected drunk driver. Don’t get too close and put your own life at risk.

-Dial 9-1-1 to report the driver and you could be eligible for a $50 dollar reward through the “Mobile Eyes” program.

-When speaking with local law enforcement, tell them the location of the vehicle and which way it’s headed.

-Step back. Let law enforcement handle the situation from there.

Next on the most wanted list are motorcyclists. These motorists are some of the most vulnerable on our roadways. It is estimated that, from 1997 to 2009, the annual number of motorcycle deaths doubled from 2,116 to 4,462. It’s estimated that about 12 motorcyclists die every day on our roadways. Even though motorcycles only make up about 3 percent of the total number of vehicles on our roadways, they’re involved in nearly 15 percent of all highway fatalities.

“Before this year, the Safety Board has not investigated accidents involving motorcycles. However, last year, 4,315 motorcyclists died in crashes and the rate of motorcycle fatalities has increased more than 25 percent since 1997. At a time when highway fatalities have been decreasing, fatalities involving motorcycles have continued to increase, both in overall number and in fatality rate,” said Deborah A.P. Hersman National Transportation Safety Board.

Lastly, the NTSB is targeting teen drivers. This age group, 15- to 20-years-old, loses nearly 10 people a day because of car accidents. As a matter of fact, traffic accidents are the number one cause of death for teens in the United States.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 2,500 motorists of this age group were killed in traffic accidents in 2009 alone. Another 196,000 suffered injuries in the same incidents. During the same year, it was reported that more than 30 percent of these fatal accidents involved an intoxicated teen driver. Texas witnessed nearly 600 teen deaths because of traffic accidents in 2009.

Parents have a strong influence on their teen’s safe driving habits. Here are some tips to help parents get their teen on the road to being a better driver:

-Ride along. Provide your child with plenty of supervised driving time.

-Offer constructive criticism. Avoid yelling at your teen or getting upset when they’re behind the wheel as it only hinders effective learning.

-Lead by example. Be sure to practice what you preach and always display safe driving skills when your teen is riding with you.

-Prohibit the use of a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle.

-Limit the number of passengers they can drive with. Passengers serve as another driver distraction.

-Set a curfew. Limit the time your teen drives during the nighttime hours.

-Create a parent-teen driving contract to get your rules on paper.

A number of car accidents can be prevented if the proper safety precautions are practiced. The NTSB will continue to analyze traffic data, target problem areas and propose safety recommendations until our roadways can be safe for everyone.

The Goolsby Law Firm is dedicated and motivated to fighting for victims and their families who have suffered in Dallas, Carrollton or the surrounding areas. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident with a teen driver or any other car-related accident, call for a free consultation at 1-972-394-2141.

More Blog Entries:

AAA Website Could Help Parents Prevent Carrollton Car Accident Involving TeenagersDallas Injury Lawyer Blog, July 4, 2011

Test Scores Show High Risk of Texas Car AccidentsDallas Injury Lawyer Blog, June 14, 2011

MADD Announces Most Dangerous Days for Teen Car Accidents in Texas and ElsewhereDallas Injury Lawyer Blog, June 10, 2011

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